Kwik Kopy Printing Dallas Update
A lot of things have happened since the last blog post.
Kwik Kopy Printing Dallas was named the top print center in our franchise system for the second consecutive year. Kudos to our outstanding employees for the great work that they do each and every day, much appreciation to our supportive vendors and suppliers, and most especially, our heartfelt thanks to our loyal clients who made the attainment of this prestigious award possible again this year.
We added a new piece of equipment to our arsenal recently: a Morgana DigiFold Pro. This machine creases and folds cardstock and paper, allowing both processes to be done in a single pass. The DigiFold Pro can put a large number of creases (if needed) on a sheet and has a vast repertoire of folds that it can accomplish. The addition of this highly automated machinery highlights the ongoing commitment of Kwik Kopy Printing Dallas to continuously upgrade our operation by improving quality, reducing turnaround time, and cutting costs.
The company website ( relaunched late last summer with a new look and feel, but we are already preparing a substantial additional upgrade which should be fully complete within the next month. The upgrade includes over sixty pages of unique content which should be helpful for new customers trying to identify a highly capable print provider in the Dallas area (yes, that would be Kwik Kopy Printing Dallas).
Our franchise system has new ownership as of the fourth quarter of 2017. Fortusis (Latin for “building on strength”) is the new name of our franchise system. The leadership of the system is comprised of CEO Curtis Cheney and President Danny Oblad – both good friends and successful print industry vetereans who have already injected a lot of enthusiasm into the ownership group. Curtis and Danny recently hosted owners’ meetings in Houston and St. Louis to outline their vision for the franchise system. After the meetings, print center owners around the country expressed a lot of excitement about their plans to improve and grow the franchise system. There will be more details about the various Fortusis initiatives in this space in the future.